Monday, December 29, 2008

Swiss Army Flash


Definitely a sign of the times

Sunday, December 28, 2008

the hols

These days, with the gender balance set, I just walk around the house until I find a bathroom with the toilet seat down.

My father has spent about a week at home, using up his holidays and the sheer boredom of it all has gotten him sick. My mother, who like me and most other people, enjoy the sheer ennui, has gotten sick and is now watching Chinese soaps with the most miserable and sick-looking face. My habit of sleeping 10-12 hours a day during the holidays have kept me relatively healthy.

As everyone promised, Dexter is awesome. Watching the last episode of the second season as I type. It's been very heartwarming to see him develop more feelings as the show goes on, although I'm not sure whether it's artfully done or just sloppiness from the show's writers now that they're doing original stories and not adapting from the Dexter books. Eh. It's rather engaging anyway.

I read somewhere that it's less intelligent people who get so drawn into tv shows, since they have a harder time discriminating that those little people in the box are not real people. Helas. It means more entertainment for me, I suppose!

Happy holidays to you all, and I suppose I should check WTCP to see how you all are doing :)

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

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Thursday, December 18, 2008

I hadn't realised.

Notice: What Girls Want: Vampires

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

A poster on "good habits" on a professor's door

Saturday, December 13, 2008

hee hee hee
The picture should actually be flipped counter-clockwise 90 degrees, but, hee. Shrimp escape to the crab side (left) of the tank

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

hee hee hee. My room smells like shin ramen

(and miss twang, you'll enjoy bb: the nearly-boiling hot water faucet makes bowl noodle so much easier to do)

(and btw: first legit college all-nighter! woooo! Neither done nor tired, so I should be able to finish editing this paper in stride :D )

Sunday, December 7, 2008

A View from Beebe

(Through a screen too, heh)

Where the Canada Geese live at Night

Since my post-Thanksgiving year has so far mostly been somewhat-studious late-nights, I've been running into flocks of Canada Geese around our grounds at night and avoiding their fecal matter. I've seen them on Sev green and, as shown, next to Paramecium Pond.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

F U!

A baby lewd tree giving many fingers to the world.

He speaks!

so I was walking back to BB and saw this and thought, OH IT'S A SIGN! I just don't know what it's a sign of :(

...and looking at this picture, I realize it just says 145, but still! He wanted me to read it that way at first!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Hello Thar

I was steamed, then passed quickly through oil and finally served with this awesome spicy sauce.

To my left, fillets of my brother sat with a delightful medley of vegetables and other sea creatures in a sauce atop some guo ba.

To my right there was some punk-ass gong-bao chicken-ding. Yes, I love the hyphens.

I have no regrets, except that I never said goodbye to her (and perhaps that I was not served as shui zhu yu).

Lao Sichuan, Billerica (much better than the Framingham location)

Nutcracker ornaments. Pottern Barn Kids is the awesomest place ever

Wookie Cookies!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

You would not believe what my breath smells like

Dinner was all-duck: peking duck, congee with preserved duck eggs and some salad. The latter was neglected. The duck eggs made anything that came after it taste funky, but the cucumbers were also not as fresh as I'd like.

One of the Chinese channels (literally TV from the mainland) was showing this crazy movie about Falun Dafa: the heroine was this doctor standing by in horror while the townspeople refused to treat their children with Western medicine and instead were doing these meditative things while their children died of untreated fever. It was pretty melodramatic; I think the heroine ends up nearly killed by her Falun Gong-practicing father who instead kills himself. In any event, it just seemed decently ironic that a PRC movie should propagandize against charismatic and deluded megalomaniac cult leaders. (Was that too many descriptors? Probably.)

I was intrigued but decided against it

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I remember in high school when I used to wear these as my loose, comfy jeans

I keep a couple extra pairs of jeans in my room to provide for inevitable fluctuation, and it's sort of interesting how you could almost use them as some sort of historical archive/timeline of yesteryear. Perhaps I could do an entire 350 on it.

Martin Sheen was still my #1 Pick on Nov. 4

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

for Twang

I usually don't like modern art, but I couldn't help staring at this one until I realized what it was about it; this is like, metaphase or something...

Night Before the Exam

I was initially thrilled by the studiousness of my small, and apparently myopic, friend, only to realize that my plan of outsourcing my work may not be quite so successful this time. It would be rather difficult to smuggle him into the testing room, never mind waiting for his ridiculously slow (and minuscule) handwriting.


Sunday, November 16, 2008

No Sticky Buns for You!

A bit of a line at the bakery. 20 minutes later got no further and gave up. We try again tomorrow

Thursday, November 13, 2008

So, for my POLS class I wrote this thing on the South...

and it's not like I write about that region often so I had to look up how to spell Arkansas as well. Anyway, the first two google results for KY

KY Brand Home


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Life in These Wellesley Hills

(put through a few mobile posts that I never bothered to approve)

Life has been pretty hectic around here since my last few posts. I have spent a lot of time anxiously awaiting those imps (see below) to write the papers that have been due, and not only have they been very inconsistent in quality, but the long-eared one has actually left. The candidate search that ensued has been less than satisfactory. It is indeed hard to find help these days.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Can you spot the squirrel?

(it made the weirdest noises)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I wonder what this implies about the "I voted" sticker I saw on most people

Monday, October 20, 2008

Coconut cupcake at Petsi's, off Harvard. A bit hard.

How My Papers are Written

For you see, it's not I, sir, that write convoluted and confusing arguments (if there are indeed arguments in these papers), but these two (gay?) imps that churn out my papers in the early morn' (meaning noon). I should like to make them clothes one day to thank them for their efforts, but perhaps...after graduation.

You have to wonder how exactly Toast is typing there...

(alright, back to bed before class!)

Thursday, October 9, 2008

you should have seen how madly the little guy was chewing that apple core


the door of Jewish studies... I'd never much associated kittens with god's chosen people, but hey

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I always love the 'stache on this guy

(next to Xinh Xinh, Chinatown)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The result of 24 hours of panic. This photo doesn't capture the full extent of the mess, but its composition was a bit better than the more representative ones. Heh.

I'm honestly a bit disappointed you can't be a fan of Tom Brokaw on facebook. I can't imagine how many members of the media have chided Obama and McCain to their faces

O also

The Hoop is certainly an interesting place, but it was the last place I expected this little bit :)

Why I can't help you when you call the Help Desk

Spent today's Vista training watching Eddie Izzard

Monday, October 6, 2008

Community always has the best pictures

A very good photoshop (I hope it's a photoshop,'s hard to say with these sorts of things and the Gov)

Sunday, October 5, 2008


O how dangerous living next to the campus center can be :(
From left to right: chocolate chip brownie, blondie with nut, banana nut bread, and ugly brownie I accidentally touched and subsequently had to take.

(also, I found that if upload to Picasa first, you can post larger/better images, so maybe on Friday I'll set up a little iSpy game)

You guys should also check out all those Colbert contests on manipulating McCain's greenscreen image. This is one of my favs:

Saturday, October 4, 2008

The last person I called darling was pregnant 20 seconds later

On Captain Darling:

7:25 pm

Went on a brownie run but unfortunately they closed the brownie bar and only had a few blondies in the dessert fridge. They're all firm now :(

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The best part of the VP debate

As an aside, maybe certain parts of the country just pronounce nuclear that way...

P.S. This is sort of fun: Make sure to note the little seesaw characters on the right. I love biased media, and that's not sarcasm :)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Toast says, "hello hunam."

It's like high school all over again; can't concentrate until midnight. But at least I get those three good hours of productivity. Maybe grad school isn't right for me :P

Living Life on the Edge in Wellesley Hills

so perhaps Wellesley is a relatively unexciting place, where the student body at our manner's school presents the biggest danger to the community, but there are a lot of close calls here. Just this morning I accidentally spilled an entire glass of water onto my surge protector (all is well). When I went to collect my new pair of wellies at the campus center, some girl pulled a butterfly knife out on me to help me open my packages. My lunch meeting was spent discussing on how best to "resolve" the Palin problem, should McCain get elected.

(Actually, in retrospect, girls here with knives seems to be a slightly reoccuring problem. cough)

Now, if you ladies will excuse me I am off to go moisturize.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

On art

A collaborative bit of expressive art (should you turn your head to the right...) by twang and eshi.

Also, something some of you (read: yzhou) might be interested in:

The Da Vinci Alarm Clock let you follow da Vinci's 3.5 / .5 sleep schedule(three and a half hours awake, thirty minutes asleep) Designer Marc Owens explains his clock as follows: The Da Vinci Alarm Clock works on a very basic system. The Dot Matrix display will always show either Sleep or Awake. When the product is first switched on the display will immediately show the word Awake. This will continue to be displayed for 3 hours at 30 minutes. It just a concept. The Da Vinci sleep schedule, also known as the "sleep of genius" or polyphasic sleep, is a type of sleep pattern which involves sleeping not more than 5 hours a day. Some experts are more strict, arguing that to follow the Da Vinci sleep schedule, a person must become accustomed to sleeping an average of two hours a day, which is how much Leonardo Da Vinci himself slept; others take the term more loosely, allowing practicants to sleep a few hours a night. The Da Vinci sleep schedule is better suited to people who can control their daily schedules. Basically, the system requires followers to sleep in several 10-minute bursts, for a total of two hours a day. A variation of the Da Vinci sleep schedule requires people to sleep 20 minutes for every four hours that they are awake. This technique, known as "power napping" or the "Uberman's sleep schedule" is actually in use in many corporations as a way to up production of their employees.
(Yanko Design)

Monday, September 29, 2008

Now, if I ever go to sleep tonight, I should have something horribly exaggerated and dramatic for tomorrow